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Board of Directors

The following is a list of extraordinary leaders appointed to guide us in achieving our mission, vision, and activities that are vitally important to helping build great futures for thousands of youth in Martin County.


Hays Clark†

Margaret Cole†


Kathryn Parsons


John R. Reese

Vice Chair

Kate Nielsen


Michael Troy


Board of Directors

Elizabeth Ainslie 

Anthony Anderson

Michael Atieh
Renee Bisciotti
Nancy Buck

Michael Chambers
Eula Clark*

Claiborne Deming
Marijke DeVink
Denise K. Ehrich

Robert J. Garry
Christina K. Gidwitz

Keith Goldstein

Kate Johnston

Elizabeth Long
Nivin MacMillan

Anne N. Reyes
Jon E. Mattson

Mark E. Robitaille

Mark Newman

Philip Schein, MD

Eleanor R. Seaman

Rishi P. Singh, MD

Beth Garcia Svopa

Carol Webb
Daniel H. Zivney

Chairman's Council

Jane Krebs
Elizabeth H. Marsh
Robert J. Weissman

Life Directors

Diana D. Brooks
William F. Whitman, Jr.
Charles V. Moore
Joanne Wagner

Executive Staff

Keith "Fletch" Fletcher

President & CEO 

† Deceased

* Appointed Ex-Officio

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